Yesterday, was Galentine’s day, which is like valentines day, but it celebrates girl friendships! This was a day created on Parks and Rec, which is possibly the best TV show in the world. Galentine’s day is all about celebrating being a strong and independent, powerful woman, and that is just what I did. The day also represents how important it is to take time to acknowledge friendships, because often times we just expect friendships, instead of putting forth the effort necessary to let them thrive. For Galentine’s day, Me and my friends had a picnic outside for lunch. Tzuba is so beautiful, and often times at meals we are confined to the dinning hall, so it was incredibly refreshing to get some fresh air and a change of scenery. We then went to the market and bought a bunch of chocolate for one another and went down to the spice garden to eat it. There we set Galentine’s day goals that we each wanted to accomplish by the end of EIE. It felt empowering to set our own goals, instead of them being set for us. Some of my goals during these next months in Israel (and hopefully for the rest of my life) are to become stronger, emotionally and physically, not care what others think of me, not be so quick to judge, and and to become more care free. Galentine’s day was definitely a care free day, so I already feel like I am on the path to achieving my goals! After the spice garden, we walked around and found little places I had seen before but never spend the time to notice. For example, the view I wake up to everyday is so beautiful, and something I definitely do not get to see at home. At the end of the day, I took a yoga class, which allowed me to meditate and reflect on my time here. It made me feel strong, and remember to not take anything here for granted. While 4 months is a long time, I can already feel the days flying by, and I want to live every moment to the fullest.