Monday, February 8, 2016


Recently, we went on a tyul to Sataf. This trip was different from most because we walked to our destination which is something I definitely couldn't do back home. We walked for about 30 minutes and then we were at a completely new view. It felt like we were transported to a new part of the world, but in actuality we were just one mountain away. We were able to take pictures before class started and really take in what we saw. I really appreciated this, because loving photography, I find pictures to be the best way to capture a memory. We then had class outside, which was not only beautiful, but make the learning experience even more memorable. I was able to take in my surroundings, and the past, present, and future for the Jewish people. We received noise makers to symbolize the victory of the battle of Jerico. That make learning about the war imbedded into my memory as it was an experience I will never forget. It also felt liberating and like I was one of the victorious people who survived the war. We walked to a new location where we could see the terraces we learned about in Jewish History, they were more intricate and beautiful than I could ever imagine. 

Not only did we get to walk outside around Sataf, but we were able to go inside into the caves from the Tanakh. The caves were scary, exciting, dark, and alluring all at once. Crawling through the caves was scary to say the least, but it felt super cool knowing this was something people thousands of years had to go through. The architectural design intrigued me, and made me wonder how the caves were utilized and functioned. We learned about how people back in the day found a rock that was dripping water and slowly chipped away at it over time to find the source. They then would find where the water was coming from and use it to build and create an irrigation system. They were ahead of their time to say the least. It was inspiring knowing how inventive our ancestors were, and made me want to be that innovative in my own life. I really liked all aspects of this tyul, also shoutout to Aaron for taking us to the second cave! 

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