What does it mean to me to be a member of Am Yisrael? This is a question I have discussed in my Jewish History class possibly every did since arriving in the holy land and I am yet to come up with a clear and concise answer. It is hard to answer this question because there is no right answer, there are only ideas, beliefs, and opinions. To me being a member of Am Yisrael means identifying as Jewish and positively contributing to the Jewish community. This can mean many things such as going to services on Shabbat or High Holiday’s, celebrating Jewish Holiday’s, learning about the Holocaust and Jewish History, following Jewish Law and much, much, much more. Being a member of Am Yisrael can mean doing one, some, or all of these things plus more. I think just calling oneself Jewish does not make them a member of Am Yisrael, it is important to actually contribute to Jewish society in any way shape or form to be a part of Am Yisrael. I think living in Israel and being a zionist are great ways to be a part of Am Yisrael because just by living in Israel helps to grow the Jewish people and culture. I also think to be a member of Am Yisrael, we as a society need to be the best people we can possibly be. This can mean doing Tikun O’lam, charity, helping the poor or sick, or just genuinely being a nice person. I think these are all important qualities that a member of Am Yisrael should have. There are many different things a person can do to be a member of Am Yisrael and that’s why I think I will never have a clear answer to this question. But, I think that as long as I continue to explore my Jewish Identity I will continue to be a member of Am Yisrael.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Jewish Community in the Best City Ever (Los Angeles)
I am extremely fortunate to live in a city with a promenade Jewish community. Growing up in Los Angeles, California there was always a large Jewish presence in my life whether from my home community or outside influences. Right now in Los Angeles, there are multiple upcoming events through various Jewish organizations including the Los Angeles Jewish Abilities Center, The Jewish Federation, The Los Angeles JCC and more. One of the upcoming events through the Jewish Federation is to observe Yom Ha’shoah. I was happily surprised to see this event and to find out Israeli and American Jews are celebrating the same days within their own communities. While there are many different Jewish organizations in Los Angeles, there are also popular news sources such as the Jewish Journal. This is a resource I know my parents constantly read and my temple has available to congregants. This News source has topics more general and possibly relevant to the general public while also having strong Jewish articles. The current trending headlines include, “trump: Israeli-Palestinian peace deal can be made”, “Real Housewives of New York City Week 4 Recap,” and “Ex-mayor of London suspended from Labour for saying Hitler was Zionist.” This journal is a super cool news source because not only does it have important Jewish news, but it also has news relevant to Los Angeles and American jews. I know I will be able to come home to a strong Jewish community and will be able to find Jewish current events wherever I go.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Yam L'Yam!!!
Over Passover break, I had the incredible opportunity of going on Yam L’yam. Yam L’Yam or sea to sea is a 5 day hiking excursion EIE takes as its third and final large trip. We started out at the Kineret or Sea of Gallie and finished our journey at the Mediterranean sea. The first day actually only consisted of an incredibly long bus ride up the coast from Jerusalem to the Kineret. I remember feeling anxious to start my Yam L’yam Journey and a sense of relief when I found out we weren't actually hiking the first day. That night, I got my hiking group and materials for the next 4 days which included a relatively light backpack that become exponentially heavier when I added the 4.5 liters of water I had to cary everyday, and one bowl and spoon for all of our meals. That night I slept outside under the stars which I absolutely loved, not being able to fall asleep doesn't really matter when you can look up and sea the stars. I woke up bright and early the next day when the hiking actually began. The first real day was long, uphill, and hard, but I have much more memories of having fun then being tired and in pain. Not to mention where we were hiking was beautiful and climbing mountains was completely worth it for the view. We stopped for lunch and my friend Elle and I made the not so smart decision to take a nap and leave our group to cook lunch. We awoke to uncooked rice and meat spilled on the ground. It is safe to say we took initiative and made the rest of the meals.
Fast forward to the fourth day of Yam Y’Lam and by far my favorite day; the water hiking day! We started out walking through a narrow pathway and ended up at the most magnificent view I had ever seen. It almost looked like the set of Lost (the most confusing TV show in the world), and I was truly in awe. The day was spent walking short distances to arrive at a couple fresh water streams (filled with fish!). The water was cold but refreshing. On our final day of Yam L’Yam (I’ve almost made it!) we actually road bikes straight into the Mediterranean instead of walking. Biking was so much fun when going downhill as I loved feeling the wind in my face. Seeing the sea was so exhilarating and I felt so accomplished. Yam L’Yam was so fun and an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Monday, April 18, 2016
the intersection of soccer and shabbat
Shabbat and soccer are two festivities that normally wouldn’t be grouped together. Though, as soccer is growing more popular in Israel, its overlap with shabbat has become a concern for religious Jews. Soccer games in Israel are broadcasted at 3 PM which means they often end after shabbat has started. This is a problem for religious Jews because they are unable to watch the games due to the fact it is against Halacha to use electricity on Shabbat. Religious Jew who attend the games often have to leave at halftime because they are also unable to drive on Shabbat. It is unfair and rude for Religious Jews to have to choose between celebrating shabbat and watching a soccer game. Obviously most will choose to celebrate shabbat, but it is a decision they shouldn't be faced with. Ideally, it would be best to make the game times earlier, but due to scheduling and money that is not an option. I feel, just as I get upset when I go to Tel Aviv on the weekends and all stores are closed, Religious Jews have a right to be upset that they are unable to attend and watch soccer games. I think it is necessary to find a balance between being fair to religious Jews and the rest of Am Yisrael.
Also, there is a another issue for Religious Jews who are soccer players. They either often have to miss practices or games, or are unable to celebrate Shabbat. The article told the story of one soccer player who sleeps in a separate hotel so he is able to walk to games instead of taking the bus. I found it almost funny how this player was going out his way to not break Jewish law, but just by playing the soccer game, he is breaking one of the biggest rules, working on shabbat. He said being a soccer player is still his job, and his way of making a living. This brings up the question, are we allowed to pick and choose which Jewish Laws we follow? This is a question we have discussed numerous times in class, and I am still eager to finding the answer too.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Independence Tyul
Today, we went on a tyul to learn about Israel’s Independence from the British. This tyul while long, was incredibly fun for a multitude of reasons. First, we went to Latrun, where we saw tanks some in use, but many out of commission due to the fact they were used in armed battles. The tanks were not only huge, but gave me a glimpse into the dangerous nature of fighting the battles for independence was. We also learned about how the tanks are constructed, unlike most war machines, Israeli tanks engines are in the front. This, gives Israeli soldiers an extra layer of protection, but, in order to do so, the engine will be damaged first in an attack. Although this may put the tanks out of commission, I think it is completely worth it to save potential lives. We also learned that the bullet leaves the tank at a slower rate in order for harmful gas not to be released inside the tank, making it safer for those inside. I loved learning about this because I think it is so important the measures Israel takes to secure its soldiers safety.
After Latrun we went to Yad Mordechai, which was not only a kibbutz, but a super secret underground bullet factory during the battle for Independence. 45 Residence of the 75 kibbutz members worked in the bullet factory 25 feet underground. They were not allowed to tell anyone of their operations as they were putting not only themselves, but everyone around them in harm. I personally, do not know if I would be able to keep such a big part of my life a secret for so many years. Although this may have been an illegal operation, it saved and helped the lives of many Israeli’s as they fought to their death against surrounding Arab countries for Independence. This factory was not only super cool, but illustrated the lengths taken Israelis would go to to have a Jewish state. I loved hearing about their Jewish nationalism, and hope if I’m ever in a similar situation I will be as brave as those in the bullet factory.
We then went to Tel Aviv, where we went to Independence Hall. This is the same building where David Ben Gurion (the first Prime Minister of Israel) first declared Israel’s Independence on May 14th, 1948. Although the piece of land Israel was given basically only included the Negev and unimportant regions without the main settlements that Israelis had previously established, Israel finally had a state! The Jewish people finally had a home after a two thousand year struggle. This was so exciting, and I found myself having so much Jewish pride while hearing Ben Gurion’s speech and singing Hatikva. We also learned that America expressed it was in support of Israel only 11 minutes after the state was established. After learning this, I also found myself feeling proud to be not only Jewish, but also American. After Independence Hall, we went on a high tech scavenger hunt around Tel Aviv and learned about Israel’s numerous start up companies. Israel is home to most of the worlds thriving start ups, and it was so inspiring to learn about how innovate Israel is. Finally, we concluded our day by getting dinner in Tel Aviv, I of course got Sushi, and then headed home to Tzuba. Overall, it was an incredible and interesting day, it is definitely one I will never forget!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
a letter from an Arab to a Jew who supports BDS: Article Response
As a member of Am Yisrael, I find myself only looking at the issues Israel is facing as a Jew. This article opened my eyes and allowed me to explore Israels' issues through the oppositions perspective. As an Arab who supports Jewish nationalism, the writer understands that they will get more out of the binational state solution than Israelis. This struck me because when discussing this topic in class, I always try to look at the positive side and often struggle. There is such a huge power struggle in Israel because from the Jewish perspective, Israel is supposed to be a Jewish State. By giving in to BDS Israel may lose its Jewish majority, while Arabs will gain a state to feel safe in once again. This solution greatly helps the Arabs, but I have yet to hear an Arab talk about their appreciation for the solution until now. This article also raises a crucial question, how much is too much to give up? The Jewish people have gone through extraordinary measures to create Eretz Yisrael, and I don’t think we should be forced to give up the only Jewish state to appeal to Arabs. Just as we talked about in class, is it out of the ordinary to have Am French without France, just like it should not be questioned to have Am Yisrael with out Israel. Although I don’t agree with the BDS movement, I agree with the point this article makes. It is of the upmost importance to be for ones own people, whether Israeli or Arab, than to be against them. Even if we don’t agree with every decision Israel makes as a whole, rooting for our competitor makes us just as bad as the ideology we do not believe in. I believe rather than hurting one nation, we should either root for it, or just leave it alone.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Oral vs Written Law: Essay
The destruction of the first and second Beit Mikdash, which were at the center of worship for the Jewish people during both the first and second temple period, greatly changed the Jews outlook on the world. Before the destruction, Jews only followed halacha (Jewish Law) based on the Torah because it was all they had even known. Now, after the destruction of the second Beit Mikdash, the Jewish people had to adapt in order to survive. The major adaptation made was in addition to written law, the Jewish people developed the Torah Shebaal Peh, or oral law. Both written and oral law contain traditional aspects that the Reform movement may not agree with. It is immensely important when choosing how to follow halacha to educate oneself on both because although different, they are equally important to the Jewish world.
Written law is written, which translates to being set in stone and unable to be changed. This can be both positive and negative for many reasons. Some believe that halacha should never be changed, so they appreciate the written law. On the other hand, some believe the law should be able to adapt to modern times, and the fact that it is written down does not allow us to do so. The written law does however have many positive aspects, one huge one is that it is impossible to forget the law due to the fact we have a text to refer back to. The written law is also said to be, “the law given to Moses at Sinai”, this shows that it is the law the Jewish people should follow, because God gave it to them. The downside to written law is that it cannot be adapted or changed. Due to the fact society was drastically different when we received the Torah, the laws are much harder for Am Yisrael to follow. The Reform Movement needs to educate themselves on written law even if they do not choose to follow it because it has in it what God commanded to Moses the day he stood on top of Mount Sinai when he received the Torah. The reform movement cannot disregard what Judaism is based on, but also shouldn’t be forced to follow such outdated rules.
Unlike written law, oral law has the freedom to change, and be adapted into modern society. This allows room for interpretation along with modernization. Over the years, people have been able to slightly modify oral law since it is not set in stone. Towards the end of the first century, Rabbi Akiva greatly changed the oral law by organizing it into six books. This made following Jewish law easier due to the fact the Jews could find a specific law and determine how to follow it. At around 200CE, Rabbi Akiva’s organization of oral law was finished by Yehudah HaNasi into what we now call the Mishnah. Around 300 years later, Rav Ashi completely the Babylonian Talmud, a combination of Mishna and Gmarah (commentary on the Mishnah.) The Talmud’s main goal is to debate Halacha and interpret its meaning and the means to how to follow it. An example of this is keeping kosher, which can be interpreted into many different ways such as not eating meat and dairy together, only not eating pig and much more. From a positive and more Reform movement perspective, it’s possible that we have the ability to interpret Halacha in multiple ways. This way everyone is able to take what they believe in from the oral law and follow it in a way that helps them most while still maintaining Jewish tradition. For the same reason that Reform Jews have a positive outlook on oral law, Orthodox and Conservative Jews view oral law as negative. This is because the ever changing rules make it possible for the Jewish people to follow one law dozens or even hundreds of different ways. The orthodox see this an issue because it is increasingly difficult to unite the Jewish people when we cannot even follow the same law. Oral law contains both positive and negative aspects as it changes with society.
I believe as a reform Jew is is perfectly okay to interpret Halacha with our modern society. As long as the Reform movement still acknowledges the law given to Moses at Mount Sinai along with what is written in the Torah, we should be able to adapt Halacha. This way we are able to live in the modern day society while keeping the tradition alive. In Reform Judaism it is important to remember our history, but it is more so crucial to keep the religion alive. If the best way to do so it to interpret laws into modern society, I think by all means we should adapt. Although there are many different types of Judaism, we are still all one people and have the same goal: to see Judaism thrive. Instead of arguing over the modernization of Halacha, we should celebrate that people care so much about Judaism they go to the means necessary to adopt it into their modern lives. As Jews, we have a duty to this world to be the best people we can be, if that means being a reform Jew, then we should celebrate that instead of shun people for not being Jewish enough. Because, we are Reform Jews due to the fact that we reform Halacha.
A Pilgrimage to Poland
Our trip to Poland was one of the hardest and coldest weeks of my life, as well as one that I will definitely never forget. Although I was constantly sad and tired, I learned an incredible amount of information about the Holocaust that is impossible to wrap my head around. We visited many places in Poland such as Warsaw, Lublin, Krakow, Auschwitz, and Lodz. We learned not just about the 6 million Jewish lives lost, but the lives of the Jewish people before and after the Holocaust as well as the resistance during life in the ghettos.
All throughout our Poland pilgrimage, we visited sights significant to the Holocaust, along with places that let us peak into life before and after this tragic massacre of Jewish life. The comparison of Tykocin before the Shoah and Tykocin during the Shoah is just one of many examples that show how drastically life was changed due to the Holocaust. Tykocin was a shtetl, or small village, where Jews were accepted and lived in society alongside others. It was said to be a world within a world because here, Jewish life flourished. The Jews were granted a charter of rights established by the Polish government. On our walk around the town, we saw old restaurants and shops decorated with Jewish symbols that showed us a glimpse into Tykocin life pre-Holocaust. Tykocin was a very small community with an estimated 50% of the population being Jewish; the Jewish community within Tykocin was very close and tight-knit. That tight- knit community, however, changed greatly after the Holocaust as all the Jews were forcefully taken into the forest and shot one-by-one. Not only were they hatefully murdered, but they were forced to dig their own graves, and count down the minutes until their death. Some hopped they would be spared, as we read an account of 2 young girls who begged the Nazi’s to let them live, and were murdered immediately following their request. When we went to visit the graves of those who were persecuted, we saw there were not individual graves, but instead there were three mass graves. The Nazi’s considered mass graves to be the effective solution on how to kill the most Jews as fast as possible. However, even that became too slow, and Nazi’s would later use gas chambers. It’s crazy to think the Star of David is plastered onto a restaurant in Tykocin when not even a ten minute drive away thousands of Jews were murdered. To me, this shows the disgusting violence of the Holocaust, but that we have to remember a good life for the Jews did exist at one point regardless if it is still standing today.
Many Jews fought against the Nazi regime through acts of Iberleben, (the yiddish word for survival.) While in the Ghetto and Memorial Walk in Warsaw, we learned of the different ways Jews fought for their rights through the resistance movement. One specific story that stood out to me was about Janusz Korczak. He was a doctor and a writer who made the brave decision to open an orphanage in one of the ghettos. Although he was given countless options to leave the children, he chose to stay, and was eventually shot and killed with them. Though he never once let the kids believe they were going to die; he even told them they were just going for a walk, but in reality they were on their way to where they would see their death. Another example of Iberleben was when a Jewish doctor made the drastic decision to poison the ill children in the ghetto’s hospital when she found out they were going to be sent to the gas chambers. I never thought of this as a form of resistance due to the fact that the doctor was actively killing innocent children, but now I understand that it completely is. The doctor took the initiative, which must have been terribly hard, to let the children die in peace rather than being murdered by the Nazis. This shows how the resistance movement could range from simply being there for a child, to making life ending choices. Another act of resistance was that of heroic girls, Chajka, Frumke, and others. These girls would escape the ghetto based on their Aryan looks and travel to Polish cities by day such as Lublin, and Czestochowa. They did this without hesitation and came back to the ghetto each and everyday even though they had the opportunity to escape and put themselves in danger each time they left. Their resistance was to complete dangerous missions in order to better the lives of others in the ghetto. All acts of Iberleben are selfless, courageous, and deserve incredible recognition, because they are all acts of loving kindness.
Rabbi Emil Fackenheim wrote, “Jews are forbidden to hand Hitler posthumous victories, they are commanded to survive as Jews, lest the Jewish People perish.” This quote, or the 614th commandment is one that all Jews should be required to follow. Fackenheim is saying that we cannot allow Hitler to achieve his goals during the Holocaust after death. If I want to call myself a member of the Jewish community, I think it is essential to follow this mitzvah. I plan on observing this mitzvah by marrying a Jewish man because of the large problem intermarriage causes in the Jewish world. I also plan to raise my children Jewish and, of course, teach them about the Holocaust. As difficult as it may be, remembering the Holocaust is the only way we can ensure to never be mass persecuted again. I completely agree with Rabbi Fackenheim’s statement because to disagree is to give Hitler power beyond his grave. I am proud to be Jewish not despite of Hitler’s demonic actions, but in spite of them.
The Poland pilgrimage taught me not just about the Holocaust, but about myself. Before this trip, I knew a few of the events that took place during the Holocaust but it was always impossible to believe them. It was so difficult for me to wrap my mind around what happened during the Holocaust before seeing the places in which these tragedies took place. Even now I still find it impossible to believe Hitler and the Nazis could be so heartless, but by visiting Poland, I am able to better understand my past. This allows to move forward knowing that I cannot stand by idly. Just as those in the resistance did, it is up to me and my generation, being the last able to hear accounts from living survivors, to stand up for those who no longer have a voice. The holocaust is not the first time in Jewish history that Jews have been violently murdered for no reason, but it is our job through education and supporting Am Israel to make sure it is the last.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
A Purim "Shpil" in Soviet Moscow
Growing up, I always admired the Purim play at my temple. There was even one year that I was in it. To me, it symbolized turing a difficult but victorious Jewish story into a play that I could relate to and understand. I never thought of Purim as a way to come together until I read this article. I liked how the author though of Purim as a way to escape the oppression and want to emigrate. Everyone, no matter who they were came together for the play, all squeezing into an apartment since there was no theater they could perform at. I think the story the author of the article told also perfectly encompasses the story of purim. It is about standing up for Jewish rights without knowing the consequences. In the end, Ester’s devoted bravery saved all the Jews from Haman’s horrid antisemitism. This story shows how going out of ones way to celebrate purim and put on a play can allow people to come together in ways they did not know was possible. The play united a family just as Purim united the Jews of Soviet Moscow.
This weekend I had the incredible opportunity to spend the weekend with my parents in Jerusalem. I had been into Jerusalem before, but never for more than a couple of hours, and not during all of shabbat. I spend the weekend with my parents, seeing family friends, eating really, really good food, and walking around the streets of Jerusalem. The experience was really enjoyable as I had never left Tzuba before without the EIE community. It was really nice to have a weekend to reflect on my past 6 weeks in Israel and become excited for what was yet to come. I knew that stores in Jerusalem closed on shabbat, but I never understood what the fully meant until I witnessed it first hand. I felt like I was in a zombie apocalypse movie as the streets were completely empty. The only other time I had seen something like this was during Christmas in America. It was nice to know everyone around me celebrated shabbat and that the stores were closed for a reason, a jewish reason. At the same time though, I felt frustrated with the fact that I was only in Jerusalem for 2 days, and could not go out to eat dinner at a restaurant or shopping past sundown. I now better understand why liberal and secular Jews are angered with the city closing down on shabbat. It really can put a dent into ones weekend, even the trains are closed. At the same time, I felt very united and like I was sounded by Judaism everywhere I went.
While in Jerusalem I had the opportunity to go to the Zoo! This was such a fun experience for me because I love animals. At the zoo, I got to feed the giraffes and elephants which was something I had never done before. One of the giraffe’s had also given birth just a week ago! The zoo was really cool because it is one of the only places in Israel where complete pluralism exists. While walking around I saw people from all cultures and religions existing in peace. I thought it was awesome knowing that the zoo is a safe place that is welcome to everyone.
Richard Kalmin’s Migrating Tales
The babylonian Talmud, or the talmud we study today is made up mostly of the Mishna and Gamara. The Mishna is oral law once written down by Yehuda Hanaci, and once it is written down, it is set in stone. The Gamara follows three main guidelines: it states logic and opinion, brings in other teachings and text and uses stories to explain itself. Also in the Talmud is the Rashi commentary, which is commentary used to explain the logic behind the talmud and help understand it. The Mishna and Gamara are in the center of the Talmud page so they are least likely to get destroyed. The article I read talks about a book, Migrating Tales by Richard Kalmin and contains evidence of all parts of the Talmud’s creation. It shows that it is very impressive the Jews did not assimilate while living among so much roman culture and influence. To me, this proves the importance the Babylonian Talmud had on the Jews, as its teachings allowed us to remain strongly Jewish.
EIE is so crazy to me because we are constantly on the move and having new experiences. At the cost of sleeping, we are able to do more than I could have ever imagined. Sometimes what we do is super fun, but other times it can be really difficult. I’ve learned on this trip that there are 3 main ways in which we experience things. The first being we enjoy the experience while it is happening and after it over, the second that we do not enjoy the experience while it happening but learn from it once it is over and the third being we do not like the experience at all. So far on EIE I am pleased to say I have in one way or another enjoyed everything on the trip and am forever thankful for all that I am experiencing.
Before Gadna, I was very unsure of what to think of the next 5 days. I am not a very loud or athletic person, so I did not not think Gadna would be for me. I was pretty worried it would be a type three experience, and I would just be counting the down the seconds until it was over. Luckily, my Gadna experience was quite different from how I imagined it being. I learned to appreciate the commands once I saw they weren't a punishment. Looking back on Gadna, it was definitely a type two experience. Although it was really hard for me in the moment, I am happy I did it and feel so proud of myself for surviving. I learned discipline and respect, and have a new found loving and understanding for the army (but don’t worry mom and dad I won’t be joining anytime soon.)
Saturday, March 5, 2016
After hearing about Massada for so long, I was so excited to finally be able to experience it for myself. I was filled with so much jubilee about getting to the top that I did not realize how hard the hike itself would be. We woke up 4 in the morning to try and get to the top of the rock for sunrise. Although I am not an early riser, I can truly say it was worth it. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset as the one I saw that morning. The hike itself was long as there were many steps and it was all uphill. At times I wanted to give up and wished we were ridding in the gondola to take us to the top. As I reached the last step though, I felt so proud of myself, knowing I had made it. I imminently regained my breath and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I was in awe of the view, I had never seen something so magical in my life. I felt so accomplished and happy. Being at the top of Masada is a feeling I will never forget. Up until this trip I felt like I had been living in an American bubble in Israel, but being at the top made me feel so connected to all of Israel. It was the first time I considered Israel home and I am so happy for that. Although Massada was a difficult climb, it is an experience I will never forget.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
500 year anniversary of the world's first ghetto
When I think about the word ‘ghetto’, I normally think of an unsafe neighborhood or a run down part of town. It is crazy to think that to many Jewish people, the word ‘ghetto’ is an automatic trigger of being oppressed. The word "ghetto" is derived from a community in Venice, Italy, where the first ghetto ever was. Now, 500 years later, although ghettos are no longer a threat to the Jewish people, they remind us of the hardships Jews had to face. This article illustrates that this 7 - acre piece of land was used to keep Jews captive. In the beginning, they had no rights, but were eventually able to trade during the day, and ultimately become free. Although free today, very few live on the land that used to assimilate the Jews. I believe this is because the land is a physical and tangible symbol of what the Jews went through. It is a constant reminder, and living on the land is still too hard for many. I think this shows how important it is to have time to heal. Even 500 years later, the ghettos still remain a soft spot for the Jews, showing how difficult it can be to recover from being put down for hundreds of years. The photos of the ghetto showed its dark beauty. It illustrates the memories of the jews that are no longer with us by painting the land in such a grim light. I really liked the pictures because they showed that even though time moves forward, sometimes it takes longer to overcome the past.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Galentine's Day
Yesterday, was Galentine’s day, which is like valentines day, but it celebrates girl friendships! This was a day created on Parks and Rec, which is possibly the best TV show in the world. Galentine’s day is all about celebrating being a strong and independent, powerful woman, and that is just what I did. The day also represents how important it is to take time to acknowledge friendships, because often times we just expect friendships, instead of putting forth the effort necessary to let them thrive. For Galentine’s day, Me and my friends had a picnic outside for lunch. Tzuba is so beautiful, and often times at meals we are confined to the dinning hall, so it was incredibly refreshing to get some fresh air and a change of scenery. We then went to the market and bought a bunch of chocolate for one another and went down to the spice garden to eat it. There we set Galentine’s day goals that we each wanted to accomplish by the end of EIE. It felt empowering to set our own goals, instead of them being set for us. Some of my goals during these next months in Israel (and hopefully for the rest of my life) are to become stronger, emotionally and physically, not care what others think of me, not be so quick to judge, and and to become more care free. Galentine’s day was definitely a care free day, so I already feel like I am on the path to achieving my goals! After the spice garden, we walked around and found little places I had seen before but never spend the time to notice. For example, the view I wake up to everyday is so beautiful, and something I definitely do not get to see at home. At the end of the day, I took a yoga class, which allowed me to meditate and reflect on my time here. It made me feel strong, and remember to not take anything here for granted. While 4 months is a long time, I can already feel the days flying by, and I want to live every moment to the fullest.

Saturday, February 13, 2016
Super Bowl Sunday: The Forgotten Jewish Holiday
The closest I’ve ever been to understanding football was watching the entirety of the TV show Friday Night Lights. Not being a football fan, I at fist found this article to be extremely confusing due to the fact I did not get the football references. As I read on, I realized that I did not need to understand football to understand the theme of the article; Judaism plays in to all aspects of modern life. This article was to show that the tradition and experience of watching the Super Bowl and eating guacamole with friends is equal to going to the high holiday services, dressing up, and going to a break the fast party after. Although the events themselves are incredibly different, the processes are the same. Both Super Bowl watchers and High Holiday goers go to their event even if it is something they do not normally do on a regular basis, they see friends and family, sing both prays and the national anthem, and eat lots of food of course. I thought this article had a very interesting and cool outlook on relating the super bowl to Judaism. Being such a minority in the world, it feels incredible when we feel included and incorporated into the world.
I really liked this article because it turned a modern event and related it back to our Jewish traditions. I think it is so important for Judaism to remain relevant and affect young people for it to thrive. This article showing that football and Judaism are basically the exact same made me feel like going to a friday night service or watching sunday football are also basically the same. Except, I would understand the service a lot more. I enjoyed this article and found the points it made to be not only intriguing but also true.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Recently, we went on a tyul to Sataf. This trip was different from most because we walked to our destination which is something I definitely couldn't do back home. We walked for about 30 minutes and then we were at a completely new view. It felt like we were transported to a new part of the world, but in actuality we were just one mountain away. We were able to take pictures before class started and really take in what we saw. I really appreciated this, because loving photography, I find pictures to be the best way to capture a memory. We then had class outside, which was not only beautiful, but make the learning experience even more memorable. I was able to take in my surroundings, and the past, present, and future for the Jewish people. We received noise makers to symbolize the victory of the battle of Jerico. That make learning about the war imbedded into my memory as it was an experience I will never forget. It also felt liberating and like I was one of the victorious people who survived the war. We walked to a new location where we could see the terraces we learned about in Jewish History, they were more intricate and beautiful than I could ever imagine.
Not only did we get to walk outside around Sataf, but we were able to go inside into the caves from the Tanakh. The caves were scary, exciting, dark, and alluring all at once. Crawling through the caves was scary to say the least, but it felt super cool knowing this was something people thousands of years had to go through. The architectural design intrigued me, and made me wonder how the caves were utilized and functioned. We learned about how people back in the day found a rock that was dripping water and slowly chipped away at it over time to find the source. They then would find where the water was coming from and use it to build and create an irrigation system. They were ahead of their time to say the least. It was inspiring knowing how inventive our ancestors were, and made me want to be that innovative in my own life. I really liked all aspects of this tyul, also shoutout to Aaron for taking us to the second cave!
Monday, February 1, 2016
Obama Vs Netanyahu Response
The Holocaust is an unforgettable historic event that still affects our world today. By remembering it, we are able to not repeat history, and learn from past mistakes and intolerance. President Barak Obama shared his views on the Holocaust on Holocaust remembrance day at the Israeli embassy. His speech was not obligatory, which shows the strides he is willing to take to defend and support Israel. His views were very generalized, and instead of talking about just the Jewish people and Israel, he used this opportunity to reflect on the intolerance in the past, present and future. He discussed how we cannot blame others for our own injustices, and that above all else we must have empathy. I really liked this, because I felt like Obama used a momentous event in History to not only learn from the past, but to touch on important events going on in our world today (such as the threat Muslims do or do not pose on America). On the other hand, Ambassador Ron Dermer focused more on what the holocaust means today, and the intolerance Jews still face. Dermer focused more on the Jewish people and what we can do to support them, while Obama focused on how the holocaust relates to the rest of the world. I feel like Dermer's speech felt more personable and affected me more, it made we want to see a change for the Jewish people and see how important having Israel is for the Jewish people. Obama's speech made me want there to be change not just for the Jewish people, but around the whole world. Although Obama was more general, I feel like he affected a larger audience. Since I am in Israel currently, I felt more moved by Dermer's remarks, but what Obama had to say still really resonated with me.
Reading this article made me realize how opinionated I am on politics and that I do not want to stand idly by. I find (Israeli) politics really confusing, but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoy learning about each party. I hope by the time I leave Israel I have a clearer understanding of politics and know which party I identify myself with. Until then, I am still learning.
Reading this article made me realize how opinionated I am on politics and that I do not want to stand idly by. I find (Israeli) politics really confusing, but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoy learning about each party. I hope by the time I leave Israel I have a clearer understanding of politics and know which party I identify myself with. Until then, I am still learning.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
The Kotel
On Friday Night we went to the Kotel. It was a much anticipated visit for me, since I have been hearing about the wall my entire life. It was incredible- I was in shock by the beauty how surreal it all felt. Even though I was surrounded by people I didn't know, I felt at home, and like I belonged. We went to a spot on the opposite side of the wall where we could pray all together. We were still able to hear the men and (some) woman chanting on the other side. It was freezing outside, but I felt warm from being not just with my EIE Aviv 16 family, but from feeling like I was apart of something bigger than just myself. Even before entering the Kotel, we had to split up by genders, I know Israel is not as progressive as some countries, but I was displeased by how much gender inequality there was between men and woman at one of the most holy places in Jerusalem. The woman's side was half the size of the mens, and was also just a lot less fun. The men were having a party, and I was sad I couldn't join in. I tried to look in on the fun through the wholes in the separation bars, but I just felt like I was on the outside looking in. Nonetheless, I still felt apart of a Kehillah K'dusha.
On the woman's side of the wall, I saw 3 young girls (around 6-10) praying. It was inspiring to see such young girls take praying so seriously. On top of it all, they looked like they were having so much fun. This made me see that praying is what we make of it. I can choose to have fun and enjoy myself and make the most out of the experience just as those little girls did. At the end of it all, they walked away from the wall while still facing it, it was so cute! Me and my friends joined in and walked backwards too, although we bumped into some chairs, it felt life changing. The wall was definitely different than I expected, but I found it amazing nonetheless.
On the woman's side of the wall, I saw 3 young girls (around 6-10) praying. It was inspiring to see such young girls take praying so seriously. On top of it all, they looked like they were having so much fun. This made me see that praying is what we make of it. I can choose to have fun and enjoy myself and make the most out of the experience just as those little girls did. At the end of it all, they walked away from the wall while still facing it, it was so cute! Me and my friends joined in and walked backwards too, although we bumped into some chairs, it felt life changing. The wall was definitely different than I expected, but I found it amazing nonetheless.
Friday, January 29, 2016
New Beginnings
I am in Israel. This is a sentence I did not think I would get to say during high school, let alone be in Israel for a semester abroad. I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky to be given this opportunity and cannot for the adventures to come. I expected Israel to be different from California, but I was in shock by the culture change and way of life that lies in Israel. Being from Los Angeles, there for sure is culture, but it is more diverse and spread out than in Israel. Here, everywhere I go I see a community, someone I can relate to, someone that is Jewish. I feel so happy and safe not only on Tzuba, but just in Israel. I cannot wait to go off and on adventures and fall even more in love with this country.
Tomorrow we are going off the Kibbutz for the first time and into the old city, we are going to the western wall and the kotel. I am super pumped! I have learned and heard stories about the wall my entire life and I cannot wait to experience it first hand and have my own stories to tell about it. Although Israel is very different than the culture I am used to, I am starting to feel at peace with myself in this new country (and less jet lagged!). I cannot wait for the wall!
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